Customer Support
Soloy Customer Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our goal is to ensure you can always get the help you need.
Soloy Parts SupportParts Support is top priority here at Soloy and we have an extensive inventory of nearly 30,000 FAA approved parts & and materials to support your operational needs.
Please use the Request for Quotation link below to access a RFQ Parts spreadsheet form for your use. List the parts you need and email the completed form to [email protected] and we will respond the next business day. For AOG request please call 360-754-7000 and contact one of our after-hours support contacts. Soloy has accumulated about 1,500 line items of surplus used parts that range from core “as removed” to “new” condition. The list includes avionics, Cessna 206/207, Airbus/Eurocopter AS350 Series, Bell 206 Series and various Rolls-Royce engine parts and from time to time it also includes larger items removed from aircraft such as aircraft engines. Be sure to take a look to see if we perhaps have something you need. |
Soloy Publications SupportSoloy Aviation Solutions issues a set of publications with each conversion purchased. It is the customer’s choice to receive paper copies or electronic copies of these publications. These publications, whether paper or electronic, include revision service for the balance of the current calendar year.
Flight Manual Supplements available through the website are always current but are for reference only. If they are printed from this website they are “Uncontrolled Copies”. Revisions to the flight manual supplements will be supplied at no additional charge in paper format to all publication subscribers. In the event of transfer of ownership please notify Soloy of the new operator, including accurate address, contact information, aircraft model, manufacturer’s serial number, registration number and previous owner in order to provide uninterrupted service. Such information should be forwarded to the attention of the Technical Publications Department at Soloy Aviation Solutions. Yearly subscription service runs from January 1 through December 31 of each year. See link below for publications subscription and revision level index. |
Soloy Technical SupportAt Soloy, we take pride in providing the best customer support possible. World wide customer support can present unique challenges and logistical issues but whether it be spare parts support, a technical question, or a simple general question, we will always strive to respond to customers by the next business day.